When updating to software revision 1.13 from earlier versions, certain features need to be reset
to work properly. If you can erase the entire memory, this will reset everything for you as long
as you are able to give up everything that is in the memory. If you need to keep what is in the
memory or need to load in a memory file from an earlier version, you will have to manually
reset the following things. Any fixture groups will have to be re-recorded since the previous
ones will be lost after the upgrade. The shutter and CMY tables for each fixture need to be
reset. This can be done by removing each fixture and then re-selecting the same fixture at the
same location. Do this by going to the “select fixtures” menu, select each fixture one at a time
and choose “no fixture” by pressing “erase” and then “enter”. Then re-select the same fixture
that was there before and press “enter”. If you have any playbacks recorded, you will have to
edit each one and select a playback mode. Do this by pressing “record” then a playback button.
If there is a playback previously recorded you will be prompted to edit the existing playback.
Press “yes” to continue, then select the playback mode for the fader and flash button using data
wheels 3 and 4, then press “enter” to save the edited playback.
Rev. 1.14 – Add “load all profiles from CF” feature.
Rev. 1.15 – Add ability to assign any fixture channel to grand master control. Add a menu in
the modify fixture section to do this. Update crossfade mode menu to work like the new grand
master channel menu. When selecting a profiled fixture, it will be scanned for LED color
channels to be added to the grand master control. This will allow the GM to dim LED fixtures
that don’t have a dimmer channel.