Zoom & Zoom Bar
"Zooming" the display is used to enlarge small detail, fish signals and
the bottom with its associated structure.
The 2X zoom doubles the size of all echoes on the screen. The 4X zoom
quadruples the size of the echoes. You can also turn on a zoom bar on
the far right side of the screen; this shows which echoes will be dis-
played on the screen when the Zoom commands are used.
For example, turning on the 2X zoom will show all echoes that are be-
tween the top and bottom of the 2X zoom bar. The 4X zoom will show
only the echoes between the top and bottom of the 4X zoom bar.
To switch the zoom:
1. Press
ZIN to increase the zoom display to 2X. Press ZIN again for a 4X
2. Press
ZOUT to reduce the zoom and show more of the chart.
To turn on the Zoom Bar:
1. Press
2. The Sonar Features menu appears. Press ↓ to
3. To turn off the Zoom Bar, repeat steps 1 and 2.
At left, Sonar Page, normal view. Center, same view zoomed to 2X.
Right, same view zoomed to 4X
Zoom Pan
Your unit has the handy ability to quickly zoom in on any portion of the
water column with just the touch of an arrow key. The Zoom Pan feature
lets you rapidly move the zoomed area up and down to different depths.
By "pointing" your zoom at different portions of the chart as it scrolls,
you can get a good, close-up look at structure or cover below you.
To use Zoom Pan, switch to a manual depth Range setting (see page 49)
and turn on 2X or 4X Zoom. Then, simply press ↑ or
↓ to pan up and
down the water column.