Silicon Image, Inc.
Scan Plus v2 User Manual
- Then remove the Red signal and insert the Blue signal into the Blue connector and
verify that the picture is blue.
- Then repeat with only the Green.
- If all three of these work, then plug them all back in again.
- Still messed up? It may be that the colors on the cable are mislabeled. Using a source
with colors that you are familiar with, try to determine if two of the colors are
- If you are not using RGB but are using Y-Pr-Pb inputs, then try removing the Pr and
Pb (red and blue) connectors from your display. This should result in a black and
white picture.
- Insert just the Pr (red) signal into the Pr connector. This should result in a red picture.
- Remove the Pr and insert the Pb into the Pb connector. This should give you a blue
- If one or the other of these combinations does not give the expected results, it may be
a problem with the output cable or the input connectors on the display. Try plugging
the Pr connector into the Pb input and verify that the video is blue. If it is, that means
that the Pr signal on the output cable is OK and the Pb input on the television is OK.
- Try the same with the Pb signal and the Pr input connector to verify the Pb cable
connection and the Pr input.
- Beyond this, we don’t know what to suggest other than to try calling your dealer.
♦ My display looks great except when I’m playing a video tape. Then it slants to the right or
has a strange bowing at the top of the screen.
This is typically due to the display’s inability to handle the erratic timing of a VCR. The
same display may be able to handle this timing on the lower frequency inputs (composite
or S-Video) but when that same signal is doubled using the iScan Plus v2, the display
cannot track the timing.
We have included a TBC (time base correction) circuit in the iScan Plus v2 to try to help
these types of displays. Check out Appendix A, make the change to the VCR Mode
jumper and see if that helps. When enabled, VCR Mode may slightly increase the level of
video noise in the picture so we do not recommend making this change unless you are
having trouble playing tapes on your VCR.
♦ Where can I get information to determine if the iScan Plus v2 is a good match for my display
The iScan Plus v2 will provide superior decoding, deinterlacing, 3:2 pulldown detection
and motion compensation. However many display devices have poor quality scaling
which takes place after the iScan Plus v2 processing, and may in fact degrade the video
that will be viewed.
♦ In addition to the iScan, I also have an HDTV decoder. How do I hook them both up to my
TV set, which only has one YPrPb input?
There are a variety of video switchers available for <$150 that are very high quality. Most
of these are designed to allow the use of one computer monitor with more than one
computer. We recommend finding one that can handle at least SXGA type signals. These
devices use a standard female VGA connector for the display connection but sometimes
use two male VGA connectors to connect to the computers. Since the iScan has a female
VGA connector, you will need a VGA “Extender” cable, not a regular VGA cable to hook
it up to the input of the switcher.