
Make sure the electrical outlet is rated at the same voltage
as that stated on the bottom of the power base.
Always use the blender on a clean, dry surface.
Cut most foods into cubes approximately 3/4” (1.8cm) to
1” (2.5cm) to achieve a more uniform result.
Use a rubber or plastic spatula as needed, only when the
motor is off. Never use metal utensils, as damage may occur
to the jug and blades.
Place lid on firmly. The blender will only operate with the lid
correctly positioned on the jug and the plunger inserted in
the safety switch.
Always place one hand on top of the lid when the motor
is running.
Cool hot foods to below 60°c before blending and with all
foods, start at slow speed to combine ingredients then
increase speed, if necessary. Use heat proof gloves, if
blending warm foods.
For a thicker slushy consistency in frozen drinks, simply add
more ice, a cube at a time, until desired consistency is
If your blender fails within one year from date of purchase we will
repair or replace it free of charge provided:
You have not misused, neglected or damaged it.
It has not been modified.
You supply your receipt showing when you bought your
The guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
If over one year, contact Dualit for recommended repair agents.
Further advice on using your Dualit blender and other products in
the Dualit Range is available from:
Dualit Customer CareLine on
(0) 1293 652 500
(09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday)
Alternatively email your enquiry to info@dualit.com.
DDuuaalliitt ddooeess nnoott aassssuummee aannyy rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr iinncciiddeennttaall oorr
ccoonnsseeqquueennttiiaall ddaammaaggeess.
SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt nnoottiiccee..
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