
Base: NO AC No power to Base Unit Check power supply
Base: POWER RESTORED Base Unit power restored NA
DEV x txt: NO AC No power to device Check power supply
DEV x txt: POWER RESTORED Device power restored NA
DEV x txt: LOW BATT Device battery low Change battery,
reset device
DEV x txt: LOW BATT CLR Device battery restored NA
BASE LOW BATT Battery has dropped below Plug in power supply
the voltage limit to recharge battery
BASE LOW BATT CLR Base Unit battery has NA
been restored
DEV x txt: SIGNAL WEAK Transmission signal from Check for
device is weak interference move
device location
DEV x txt: SIGNAL GOOD Transmission signal from NA
device now OK
DEV x txt: TAMPER Device has been opened Close device or
or damaged or replace if damaged
DEV x txt: NO CHECK IN Device check-in messages Check for interference
have not been received move device location
DEV x txt: NO CHECK IN CLR Device check-in message NA
has been received
DEV x txt: RESET Device has been reset NA
DEV x txt: REGISTERED Device has been registered NA
DEV x txt: REMOVED Device has been NA
unregistered and removed
from programming
Base: BATTERY FAULT System battery is Needs to be repaired at
defective DEWALT authorized
service center
Base: BATTERY FAULT CLR Base Unit battery has NA
been restored
Base Motion: ALARM Base Unit motion Check for intrusion at
sensor tripped Base Unit
Base Motion: ALARM CLR Base Unit motion NA
sensor alarm cleared
Base Vibration: ALARM Base Unit vibration Check for intrusion at
sensor tripped Base Unit
Base Vibration: ALARM CLR Base Unit vibration sensor NA
alarm cleared
Cell Radio: SHUTDOWN Cellular radio has been See Troubleshooting;
shut down call customer service
Cell Radio: ACTIVATED Cellular radio has been NA
USER x txt: ARMED or User x or Key Chain NA
DEV x txt: ARMED (keychain) or Remote x has armed
ARMED (code) the system
USER x txt: DISARMED or User x or Key Chain NA
DEV x txt: DISARMED (keychain) or Remote x has disarmed
DISARMED (code) the system
USER x txt: FORCED ARM or User x or Key Chain Check for faults; resolve
DEV x txt: FORCED ARM (keychain) Remote x has armed issue, clear fault and
or FORCED ARM (code) the system over a fault then re-arm
Base: AUTOARM System has been NA
automatically armed
Base: FORCED AUTOARM System has been Check for faults; resolve
automatically armed issue, clear fault and
over a fault then re-arm
Base: CALL SUCCESS A call has been made NA
to the monitoring service
Base: CALL FAIL A call to the monitoring Call customer service to
service failed test system for issues
Base Siren: ENABLED or Base Unit siren or strobe NA
Base Strobe: ENABLED has been enabled
Base Siren: DISABLED or Base Unit siren or strobe NA
Base Strobe: DISABLED has been disabled
ENTER MASTER MODE Master user entered NA
master mode
MASTER MODE TIMEOUT Master user allowed NA
system to time out
EXIT MASTER MODE Master user exited NA
master mode
USER x: ADDED User x has been added NA
to the system
USER x: REMOVED User x has been removed NA
from the system
TIME/DATE CHANGED Master user changed NA
time and/or date
FAULTS CLEARED Master user cleared NA
DEV x txt: RECEIVER FAULT 2-way transmission of Call customer service to
device is lost test system for issues
DEV x txt: RECEIVER FAULT CLR 2-way transmission of NA
device is restored
DEV x txt: ALARM Dev x unsecured Check dev x
(only when armed)
DEV x txt: ALARM CLR Dev x secured NA
(only when armed)
CELL RADIO: NO CHECK IN Cell radio fault NA
CELL RADIO: NO CHECK IN CLR Cell radio cleared NA
BASE NC: NO CHECK IN Network control fault Fault will clear itself
(RF processor)
BASE NC: NO CHECK IN CLR Network control cleared NA
FORCED DISARM Force disarm due to NA
low battery
Base: PERIODIC TEST Periodic call to NA
monitoring service
Base: ALARM CLR 8-minute alarm
cycle complete NA
Event Code Description Action
Event Code Description Action