
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Running the Setup Wizard
Figure 2-3 Enter External and Internal IP Addresses Window
Step 5
Enter the IP addresses, as described in Table 2-2. The wizard uses this data to determine BBSM Hotspot
external and internal NIC addresses, the router address, and allocation of the network device, static, and
DHCP client address pools. Note that the wizard requests the external and internal network IDs and
subnet masks and then calculates the external and internal IP addresses automatically. Obtain the
network IDs from your ISP. (An internal network of size Class C or smaller is supported.)
Table 2-3 shows the number of IP addresses available to you based on the subnet code number you enter
after the slash. The table shows the subnet codes that you would most likely use.