Chapter 4 ParametersAT |Troubleshooting}| BLD-E1 Series
Revision May 2009, 00DE, V0.50
The rated speed can’t be larger or equal to 120f/p.
Please notice that if the electromagnetic valve and brake is not controlled by the
brushless DC motor drive, please release it by manual.
It is recommended to set Pr.08-00 to 1 (unloaded motor) for the accurate calculation. If it
needs to execute this function with loaded motor, please balance the carriage before
if it doesn’t allow balancing the carriage in the measured environment, it can set Pr.08-
00=3 for executing this function. It can execute this function with loaded motor by setting
Pr.08-00=3. It will have a difference of 15~30
by the different encoder type.
It will display the warning message “Auto tuning” on the digital keypad during measuring
until the measure is finished. Then, the result will be saved into Pr.08-09.
It will display “Auto Tuning Err” on the keypad when stopping by the fault of the brushless
DC motor drive or human factor to show the failed detection. At this moment, please
check the connections of the wirings of the brushless DC motor drives. If it displays “PG
Fbk Error” on the digital keypad, please change the setting of Pr.10-02 (if it is set to 1,
please change it to 2). If it displays “PG Fbk Loss” on the digital keypad, please check the
feedback of Z-phase pulse.
Full-load Current of Motor
Factory setting: #.##
Settings (40 to 120%)*Pr.00-01 Amps
This value should be set according to the rated frequency of the motor as indicated on the
motor nameplate. The factory setting is 90% X rated current.
Example: if the rated current for 7.5hp (5.5kW) models is 25A and the factory setting is 22.5A.
In this way, the current range will be from 10A (25*40%) to 30A (25*120%).
Rated Power of Motor
Factory setting: #.##
Settings 0.00 to 655.35 kW
It is used to set rated power of the motor. The factory setting is the power of the drive.
Rated Speed of Motor (rpm)
Factory setting: 1710
0 to 65535Ω