
Getting started with API collateral and
Getting started with any feature of Lifecycle Controller begins at the Dell TechCenter Lifecycle Controller
home page — delltechcenter.com/LC.
The home page contains various sections that reference URLs, and these referenced URLs are direct links
to the corresponding sections.
You can follow these steps to get started using the Lifecycle Controller API:
1. Identify the feature or the required management operation.
2. Determine how the API is constructed for the desired management activity.
3. Utilize a client to access the API.
4. Use the best practices work flows for the client to interact with the API to accomplish the activity.
Profiles describe the behavior of each feature and necessary classes, properties, methods, and
configurable management attributes that represent the feature. The Profile documents explain the
features supported by the Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services provided within the context of the CIM
architecture. Profile specifications are organized around different management areas or domains.
Lifecycle Controller-related profiles
NOTE: To view the profile documents, on the Dell TechCenter (delltechcenter.com/LC) page,
under Reference Specifications, click Profiles. Alternatively, go to en.community.dell.com/
Table 2. Profiles
Profile Name Description
Active Directory The Active Directory Client Profile extends the management capabilities of
referencing profiles by adding the capability to represent the configuration of
Active Directory client service and the groups managed by the service.
Base Metrics The DMTF Common Interface Model (DCIM) Base Metrics Profile extends the DMTF
Base Metrics Profile to add Dell-specific implementation requirements for power-
related metrics. The profile standardizes the units and description for the metrics,
and provides static methodology for the clients to query the metrics without
substantial traversal of the model.