
350 | Force10 Service Agent
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FTSA Messaging Service
The purpose of FTSA is to automatically send information about the switch to the network administrators
or Dell Force10 TAC, so that when there is a network problem, the relevant information is collected at the
time the problem manifests.
Enable the FTSA Messaging Service on page 350
Add Additional Recipients of FTSA E-mails on page 351
Encrypt FTSA Messages on page 352
Provide Administrator Contact Information on page 353
Set the Frequency of FTSA Type 3 Messages on page 354
Generate FTSA Type 4 Messages on page 354
Set Parameters FTSA Type 5 Messages on page 354
Enable the FTSA Messaging Service
There are five FTSA message types (see FTSA Message Types on page 355 for examples):
Type 0: Call Home Enable
Type 1: Call Home Disable
Type 2: Chassis failover
Type 3: Inventory
Type 4: System Log
Type 5: Action List
The E-mail body of every message always contains the message type, chassis name, transmission time,
and, when encrypted, the public encryption key.
FTSA is pre-configured to send PGP5-encrypted E-mails containing basic system inventory information to
the Dell Force10 Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at ftsa@force10networks.com, as shown in
Figure 16-2. However messaging (for all recipients) is disabled by default.
Note: You may not remove the Dell Force10 server label or default recipient, but you may modify either.