
192 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting NAS Configuration Utility Issues
Error Received While Running the PowerVault NASCU
Description Error occurred while running the PowerVault NX3500 NAS
Configuration Utility.
Cause The error could be caused by either hardware setup, network
switch configuration, or cluster system configurations.
Workaround If the discovery page displays a connection failure:
Check the MAC addresses for cluster controllers. Embedded NIC
1 MAC addresses can be found on system identification panel
(slide-out tag) located below the front bezel of NAS controllers.
Check if IPv6 is enabled on the management station where the
NAS Configuration Utility is running.
Check if system is already in service mode. If the system is in service
mode, the NAS Configuration Utility should block users from any
further action and guide them through exiting the utility.
If the failure is in the configuration NAS cluster page:
Capture the failure message screenshot from the NAS
Configuration Utility window during clusterization.
Collect the cluster configuration file, the NAS Configuration
Utility log file, and the result file from the installation directory
and zip the config folder from the installation directory.
The NAS Configuration Utility should lead users to the restore
window, where nodes are restored to standby mode.
Look for the failure messages in captured screen shot and find out
the potential cause of the failure. Correct those failures and
reconfigure the system using the NAS Configuration Utility.
If the failure still persists, collect all the files in a bundle package
and contact Dell support.