
B-8 User’s Guide
Configuring the Shared Storage System
GConfigure and initialize the RAID volumes.
GThe format of the PowerVault shared storage is NTFS.
GDrive letters for the PowerVault storage system:
No. 1 __________No. 2 _________ No. 3 __________ No. 4 __________
No. 5 __________No. 6 __________ No. 7 __________ No. 8 __________
No. 9__________ No. 10 _________ No. 11 _________ No. 12__________
No. 13_________ No. 14__________No. 15__________No. 16 __________
No. 17_________ No. 18__________No. 19 _________ No. 20__________
No. 21_________ No. 22__________
Microsoft Cluster Service Installation
GCluster name: _____________________________
GCluster Service account: ________________________
GCluster Service password: ________________________
NOTE: To maintain system security, record the Cluster Service account name and password and keep
them in a safe location.
GName of network 1 is Public (for the LAN interconnect).
GName of network 2 is Private (for node-to-node interconnect):
Cluster, IP Address: _____.______._____._____
Subnet Mask: 255.______._____._____
Post-Microsoft Cluster Service Installation
GVerify the functionality of the cluster.
GInstall and set up your cluster application programs.
GInstall Dell OpenManage Cluster Assistant With ClusterX on management client (optional).