Configuring System Information 189
Apply Changes
The new password is defined, and the device is updated.
Assigning Enable Passwords Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for configuring fields displayed in
Modify Enable Password
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Console (config)# enable password level 15 dell
Console# show users accounts
Username Privilege
--------- ---------
Bob 15
Jim 15
Dell 1515
Configuring TACACS+ Settings
The device provide Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) client
support. TACACS+ provides centralized security for validation of users accessing the device.
TACACS+ provides a centralized user management system, while still retaining consistency with
RADIUS and other authentication processes. TACACS+ provides the following services:
— Provides authentication during login and via user names and user-defined
— Performed at login. Once the authentication session is completed, an
authorization session starts using the authenticated user name. The TACACS+ server checks
the user privileges.
The TACACS+ protocol ensures network integrity through encrypted protocol exchanges between
the device and TACACS+ server.
Table 6-36. Enable Password CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
enable password [level
Sets a local password to control access to
user and privilege levels.
show users accounts Displays information about the local user