
RACADM Subcommand Details 63
This subcommand generates error output upon encountering either of the
Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index, or other invalid database
RACADM CLI transport failures
If errors are not encountered, this subcommand displays the contents of the
specified configuration.
racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking
Displays all of the configuration properties (objects) that are contained in
the group
racadm getconfig -f myrac.cfg
Saves all group configuration objects from iDRAC6 to
-i The -i <index>, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be
used to specify a unique group. The <index> is a decimal integer from 1
through n, where n can vary from 1 to maximum number of indexes a
particular group supports. If -i <index> is not specified, a value of 1 is
assumed for groups, which are tables that have multiple entries. The index is
specified by the index value, not a named value.
-o The -o <objectname> or object option specifies the object name that is used
in the query. This option is optional and can be used with the -g option.
-u The -u <username>, or user name option, can be used to display the
configuration for the specified user. The <username> option is the login
name for the user.
-v The -v option displays additional details with the display of the properties and
is used with the -g option.
Table 2-13. getconfig Subcommand Options
Option Description