
12 | Setting Up Your Tablet
Turning O Your Tablet
Using the Power button:
1 Press and hold the Power button for at least 4seconds.
2 Swipe-down the shutdown confirmation screen to the bottom
edge of the display to turn off the tablet.
Using Charms:
1 Swipe-in from the right edge of the display to access Charms.
2 Touch Settings Power Shut down to turn off the tablet.
Turning O the Screen
Using the Power button:
Press the Power button to turn off the screen.
Using Charms:
1 Swipe-in from the right edge of the display to access Charms.
2 Touch Settings Power Sleep to turn off the screen.
NOTE: If your tablet is in a standby state (tablet is on, but screen is off),
press the Power button or Windows button once to turn on the screen.