
Dell ActiveArchive™ 6-7
You can use patterns in the persistent image name to differentiate your persistent
images. For example if you use a pattern of Snapshot.%i and you take two
persistent images, you would have Snapshot.1 and Snapshot.2. The default
persistent image name pattern is Snapshot %M-%D-%Y %H.%m.%s. Valid pattern
macros are as follows:
•%M = Month
•%D = Day
•%Y = Year
%h = Hours in 12-hour format
%H = Hours in 24-hour format
•%s = Second
%i = Instance, which increments once per instance.
•%a = AM/PM
%W = Day of the week
%w = Three letter day of the week
%% = Percent sign
5 Click OK to save the new scheduled persistent image.
Deleting a Persistent Image Schedule
1 On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, then click ActiveArchive.
2 Click Schedules.
3 On the Schedules page, click the check box next to the scheduled persistent image to
be deleted.
4 In the Ta s ks list on the Schedule page, click Delete.
5 Click OK to delete the item or Cancel to leave the item intact.
Editing the Properties of a Persistent Image’s Schedule
1 On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, then click ActiveArchive.
2 Click Schedules.
3 In the Ta s ks list on the Schedules page, click Properties...