Thermostats Crestron CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT
Sensor Setup Related Digital Joins (continued)
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
USE_R2_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when using remote 2 humidity sensor
OMIT_LOC_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting built in hum sensor (THSTAT)
OMIT_R1_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting remote 1 humidity sensor
OMIT_R2_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting remote 2 humidity sensor
R1_H_OUTDOOR_F Advanced Output Asserted when remote 1 humidity sensor is outdoor
R2_H_OUTDOOR_F Advanced Output Asserted when remote 2 humidity sensor is outdoor
Example Programs
Example programs for the thermostat are available from the Crestron FTP site
). Select the Examples Folder and search for: CHV-THSTAT
sample with scheduler.zip.
Viewport ID String
In Viewport, the thermostats output a string of characters that describe the setup and
configuration of the thermostat. Refer to the following table for an explanation of
this string. Each element of the setup string is separated by a period. The following
are two examples of ID strings:
2A: CHV-THSTAT [v1.0] (HP.H2.C2.HA3.CA3.ADB2.H,Abp0,90.AX.F.L5.OS0.DA.UUDDUU)
ID Strings
Function Options Description
System type H/C, HP Heat/cool or heat pump system
Heat stages H1, H2 Number of heating stages, 1 or 2
Cool stages C1, C2 Number of cooling stages, 1 or 2
Heat anticipator HA1 - HA6 Heat anticipator setting, from 1-6
Cool anticipator CA1 - CA6 Cooling anticipator setting, from 1 - 6
Auto-mode deadband ADB2 - ADB6 Minimum separation between heat and cool setpoints in auto mode,
degrees, 2 - 6
Heat/cool system subtype RAD, FA Sub-type of heat/cool heating system RADiant or Forced Air
Heat pump system
AX, DF Indicates heat pump system subtype as either AuXiliary heat or a Dual-
Fuel system
Heat pump/aux balance
0 - 90 for both Indicates the heat pump and aux heat balance points in current
temperature unit
Temperature unit F, C Fahrenheit or Celsius
LCD contrast L0-L10 LCD contrast setting
Temperature offset (null) OS-6 - OS6 Indicates the display temperature offset, from -6 to 6 degrees
Auto mode operation DA, SA Indicates auto mode as dual setpoint (heat, cool setpoint) or single
setpoint mode
Sensor usage flags U,D,O Indicates the status of each sensor input: Use, outDoor, or Omit, sensor
series is as follows:
buit-in-temp; built-humidity; rem 1 temp; rem1 hum; rem 2 temp; rem 2
NOTE: Depending on system type, not all of the options above will be present.
36 • Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT Operations and Installation Guide – DOC. 8163A