Excessive dustfin _tO_: couldcause excessive heat: in
motor. :
Every effortshou!d be imade _to:prevent foreign material
fromenteting the motor:i When operated ur_ler condi-
tions likely to permit accumtllations of dust, dirt;or waste
within the motor, a visual inspection should be made at
frequent intervals. Accumulations of dry dust can usu-
ally be blown out successfully.
NOTE: Motors used on wood-working tools are particu-
larly susceptible to the accumulation of sawdust and
wood chips and should be blown out or "vacuumed"
frequently to prevent interference with normal motor
To remove dust, blow off motor with a low pressure air
_CAUTION: To avoid eye Injury or adverse
reaction to dust, high air pressure should not be
used especially In poorly ventilated areas.
The operator performing this cleaning function should
wear safety goggles and filter mask
Do not use unit if power cord becomes worn or frayed.
If any servicing (other than the above cleaning) be-
comes necessary, it should be performed by an author-
ized Sears Service Center.
NOTE: The speed of this motor cannot be regulated or
• _• •. •.: •• •• - •,•1,••• • • •
Excessive sawdust
in air.
I Excessive impeller
j noise,
1. Loose connectors
2. Filter/dust bag and!or
chip collection bag
releasing sawdust.
t. Picked up large wood
chips or debris.
Loose impeller.
3. Rubbing impeller.
1. Tighten connections.
2. a. Sawdust trapped between clamp bag and housing.
b. Lower bag is hung up on sawdust shoot extension.
Reposition chip bag properly. See "Maintenance- Chip
, ,,,,
1, Do not pick up metalor ferrous materials. Stopthe machine
and the material wilt falt to the bottom of inlet tube.
2. Unplug unit prior to disassembly. Hazardous moving
parts inside, Attach inlet guard before plugging in. Use
a piece of wood 1otree impeller.
3. Consult Sears Service to repair loose or rubbing impeller,
A repair to the housing may create a hazard unless it is
done by a qualified service technician. Repair service is
available at your nearest Sears store.
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