Out tie wrap off of h{gh pressure hoseĀ° Unwind
high pressure hose to attach the threaded end to
the gunĀ° Tighten with adjustable wrench.
Your units pump is shipped with a
temporary plug that must be replaced with a
breather cap, This plug is located over the
pump's oil port. Unscrew and remove this plug.
Remove the breather cap from the bag attached
to the plug and install it in the pump's oil port,,
6. Connect chemical hose to the chemical injector
hose barb on pump,
_ AUTION: Failure t_-replace the plug will result
in serious pump damage.
g. Place assembled gun and wand on pressure
handle bracket as shown,
7, Connect high pressure hose to the quick connect
outlet on pressure washer,
NOTE; Always keep hose away from engine
Before going any further please review the foHowlng:
- Be sure you have completed assembly instruction,,
. Double check all fittings to be sure they are tight.,
IMPORTANT= Before any attempt to start your pres-
sure washer be sure to check engine oil (See Operation
under Engine Oil, page 9,,)