
Maintenance, replacement or repair of the
emission control devices and systems may be
performed by any non-road engine repair
establishment or individual.
Checking Oil Level
Oil level shouldbe checkedpriorto eachuse or at
leastevery 8 hoursof operation.Keepoillevel
Changing Oil
Change engine oil after the first 5 hours and every 50
hours thereafter. If you are using your cleaning system
under extremely dirty or dusty conditions, or in
extremely hot weather, change oil more often.
Change oil while engine is still warm from running, as
Place a suitable container for draining oil beneath
the engine.
Clean area around oil drain plug, remove plug and
drain oil completely. When crankcase is empty,
-._ I;binstall oil drain plug.
Clean area around oil fill plug and remove the oil fill
plug. Fill engine crankcase with recommended oil
until oil level is up to, but not past, the point of
overflowing. POUR SLOWLY.
When engine crankcase is filled to proper level,
install and tighten oil fill plug.
Service Dual Element Air Cleaner
Your engine will not run propedy and may be
damaged if you run itwith a dirty dual element air
Replace the pre-cleaner and/or cartridge if very
dirty or damaged. Replacements are available at
your local Sears Authodzed Service Center.
To service the air cleaner, follow these steps:
Loosen screw and tilt cover down. Remove the
pre-cleaner and cadddge assembly.
Wash pre-cleaner in liquid detergent and water.
Squeeze dry in e clean cloth and allow to dry
thoroughly. DO NOT oil pre--cleaner.
Gently tap cadddge on a flat service to clean. DO
NOT oil cartridge.
Clean inside of filter case.
Place pre-cleaner over certddge pleats
(pre-cleaner lip will be at bottom of pleats).
Install pre-cleaner and cadridge assembly in
Insert tabs on cover into slots in bottom of base.
Tilt cover up and tighten cover securely.
Clean / Replace Spark Plug
Clean or replacethe spark plugyeady orevery 100
hoursof operation.
CAUTION! Disconnect spark plug wire from
spark plug and keep wire away from spark plug.
Clean area around spark plug.
Remove and inspect spark plug.
Replace spark plug if the electrodes are pitted,
burned or porcelain is cracked. For replacement
use P/N 491055.
Check electrode gap with wire feeler gauge and set
gap at .030 In6hes, if necessary.
Install spark plug, tighten securely.
If you think your carburetor needs adjusting, see your
nearest Sears Service Center. Engine performance
may be affected at altitudes above 4000 feet. For
operation at higher elevations, contact your nearest
Sears Service Center.