The best way to start your cleaning system engine for
the first time is to follow these instructionsstep-by-
step. This starting information also applies whenever
you start the engine after you have let the cleaning
system sit idle for at least a day.
• Place the cleaning system in an area close enough
to an outside water source that can flow at a rate of
at least 2.5 gallons per minute. Connect a garden
hose to the water spout.
• Check that the high pressure hose is tightly
connected to the spray gun and to the pump. See
ASSEMBLY section on page 4. •,
• Check inlet screen on the water inlet. If the screen
is dirty,clean before attaching a garden hose. If the
screen is damaged, do not connect to the _arden
hose. Replace with ssreen provided in maintenance
kit or call 1-800-366-PART to order a replacement
inlet screen.
• Attach the the garden hose to the water inlet.
• Turn on the water.
Important: Do not run pump without the water supply
connected and turned on. You mustfolloW'this caution
or the pump will be damaged_- - : ...... "-- "
• Remove the adjustable nozzle extension from the
spray gun.
• Pullthe trigger on the spray gun and hold untila
steady stream of water flows from the gun.
• Engage the safety latch on the spray gun.
Safety Latch
Attach adjustable nozzle extension onto _pray gun"
Move the throttle control lever to the "Fast"
Set the choke lever to "Choke" position.
Note: If restarting a warm engine after a short
shutdown, be sure the throttlecontrol is in the "Fast"
pos'_on and the choke is in the "Run" position.
Choke Position
• Grasp rope handle and pull slowly untilyou feel
some resistance. Then pull cord rapidlyto
overcome compression, prevent kickbackand start
the engine. Let rope returnto starter slowly.
Note: Always keep the Throttle Control Lever in the
'Fast' positionwhen operating the pressure washer.
• When the engine starts, gradually move the Choke
Lever from one position to the next untilit is in the
"Run" position.
Note: If after 3 pullsthe engine fails to start, move the
Choke Lever to the 'Run' position,pull triggeron gun
to relieve pressure, reengage safety latch, and pullthe
recoilstarter handle rapidly(Max. 3 pulis).
• Once the engine has started, disengage the spray
gun safety latch.
Important: DOnot run pump withoutthe water supply
connected and turned on. You must follow this caution
or the pump will be damaged.
• Move the Throttle Control Lever to the 'Stop'
• Simply $huffing off the engine will not release
pressure in the system. Squeeze tdgger on the
spray gun to relieve pressure in the hose.
Note: A small amount of water will squirt out when you
release the pressure.
• Rotate the DiaI-A=Cleaner TM selector knob to the
OFF position to prevent chemical leakage.
DO NOT siphon standing water for yourwater supply.
Contaminated, brackishor dirtywater can damage the
pump. Connect only to householdwater supply.
• Never use the garden hose inlet to siphon
detergent or wax.
• If you holdthe spray nozzle too far away from the
object being cleaned, washing will not be as
• Always store the cleaning system with the Dial-;
CleanerTM selector knob to the OFF position,