You have assembled your high pressure washer and •
have prepared the engine for starting. You are now ready
to clean your car, boat or whatever you plan to clean.
Place pressure washer in an area close enough to an
outside water source that flows at a rate of at least
2.5 gallons per minute. Connect a garden hose to the
water spout.
• Check that high pressure hose is tightly connected to •
spray gun and pump. See ASSEMBLY section.
• Pull back on the locking collar to remove the female
quick-connect from pump.
Assembled Pull back on locking
Quick-Connect collar to separate
male end female end
Note: You will also need to pull back on the locking
collarto attach the female quick-connect.
Check inlet screen. If screen is dirty, clean before
attaching to garden hose. If screen is damaged,
Do not connect to garden hose. Replace with the
inlet screen provided in the O-ring kit or call 1-800-
366-PART to order a replacement (p/n B2384).
• Attach the female quick-connect to garden hose and
then attach the garden hose to the water inlet.
Make sure the quick-connect is locked together.
• Tum on the water.
Note: Do not run pump without the water supply
connected and turned on. You must follow this
caution or the pump will be damaged.
Position the Choke Rod according to the starting
recommendations on page 8:
• Cold engine (Choke-CLOSED)
• Restarted warm engine (Choke-OPEN)
• Just refueled engine (Choke-CLOSED).
Move Ignition Switch Lever to the ON position.
Positionthe nozzle in the low pressure mode (nozzle
slid forward) and squeeze the trigger on the spray
gun to relieve the air pressure caused by tuming ON
the water. Water will flow out of the gun in a thin
stream. Continue to hold trigger until you have a
steady stream of water and no air remains in the
system. This wilt make it easier to pull start the
engine. Release the trigger.
Engage the safety latch on the spray gun.
Grasp the starter grip handle and pull slowly until you
feel some resistance. Then pull rapidly to start the
Return the starter grip handle slowly.
• Move the Ignition Switch Lever to the OFF position.
• Wait for the engine to idle down.
• Simply shutting off the engine will not release
pressure in the system. Squeeze trigger on the
spray gun to relieve pressure in the hose.
Note: A small amount of water will squirt out from the
spray gun when you release the pressure.
We recommend that you DO NOT siphon standing water
for your water supply. Contaminated, brackish or dirty
water can damage the pump. Connect only to household
water supply.
• Never use the garden hose inlet to siphon detergent
or wax.
• If you have the spray nozzle too far away, cleaning
will not be as effective.