Throughthe normaloperationof your pressurewasher,
O-Rin_, whichkeep the connectionsofthe hoses and
gun tightand leak-free may become worn or damaged.
Providedwith your pressurewasher is an O-Ring
Maintenance KitwhichprovidesreplacementO-Rings,
Rubber Washer and Quick Connect filter.
Parts in the O-Ring Kit Include:
• 1 O-Ring (p/n97837) for the end of the spray gun
connectionbetween gun and high/low spray wand.
1 O-Ring (p/n B2386) for the outsideof the Male
• 2 O-Rings (pin B2264) for the ends of the highpres-
sure hose.
Note: The above two O-Rings are close insize. Please
matchcarefullyto assure properO-Ring usage.
• 1 Rubber Washer (pin B2385) for the inside of the
Male Quick-Connect.
• 1 Water InletScreen (pin B2384) for the Female
To remove a worn or damaged O-Ring:
• Use a small flathead screwdriverto get undemeath
the O-Ring and pry itoff.