Read the owner's manual and safety rules before operating your pressure washer,
Compare the illustrations with your pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls
and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
$ ray Gun.............
Adjustable Nozzle
Ex_enSion With
l"hrottle control
el! Fill Cap and Dipstick..........
Detergent Pic_:-Up
I'ube and Filter
Primer Bulb
Wa_e r Inlet
High Pressure Outl_
_mp equipped with
Automatic Cool Down system
Accessory Holder, provides convienant storage for High Pmesure Outlet _ c0nn_i0n for high preSsUre
spray gun, _urbo wand and nozzle extension ...................... hosei............................................................................
Adjustable Nozzle _ Adjust for high or low pressure; N0zzle ]ExtensiOn_ Attach t_ spray gun to use
narrow or faR s_ray, adjustable nOzzlei
Air Clesner _ Dry type filter element iimits the OilFi!! Cap and Dipstick- Check and f!!l engine with
amount of dir_and_dLIstthat gets in the engine: el! herei See page 6 foroi Irecommendations and
filling instructions
Automatic Cool D0wn System _ cycies water ....... ......
through pump when water reaches !2.5=,!55=F. Warm Primer Bulb_ Prepares a co!d engine for starting. ......
water will discharge from pump onto ground This, Pump _ Dove ops hgh ware p essure....... I i r r ...... ........................
system preven_ internal pump damage_ .....................................................................................
....... r........ P .................................................... _............. Recoil Starter _ Used f°r' starting the engine manually
Dete gent iek-Up Tube and Filter- Used to slphon......................
detergent.... from.... chem ca berte to the ow pressure..... Spray Gun - C0ntrols the applicati0n 0f water Oht0.... .....
Waterstream. €!eanmg SUrface w!th tr!gger dev=ca !ncludes Safety
Extension with Turbo Nozzle _ The turbo nozzle ......................... _ ........................ ......................... . ..................
rotates the high pressure strea_ in a rapid circular Thr°tt! e _0ntr01 Lever-_ets engine in smrting
pa_ern for aggr0ssive Cleaning m0do for re_il star_e_and StoPS running engine •
Fuei Cap -Fill fuel tank Wi_ roguiai uni0ad0d fuel her0. war er !nlet _ c0nnect-i0n for garden hose •
High Pressure Hose (not shown)- connect one end_
the spray gun and Otherendte the high preSSure Outlet.