The aluminum line saver can become_-
worn during use. After a groove is worn
into line saver, remove it from trimmez: head, turn
it.upside down, and reinstall it (with" spool re-
moved) to provide a new wear surface.
The line saver must be installed only from the in- I
side of the trimmer head. If installed on the out- I
side of the trimmer head, the line saver can fly[
off and become a dangerous missile. .
e. Insert the end of the line through the line saver.
Place spool in trimmer head. Press spool
down, then turn it enough to lock lugs on
spool under lugs on drive gear.
Make sure the line is not caught between
the rim of spool and the wall of trimmer head.
f. Replace the tap button. Align the lock ring
over the catches on the hub; push the lock ring
down on the hub and turn it clockwise until the
catches lock into place.
A W n'.TG [
All catches must be fastened an.d the lock tab l
latched in the Lock Ring. If Installed incor°
rectly, the Lock Ring can fly off and become a]
dangerous missile. ]
g. Make sure lock ring is properly fastened by
pulling on it and trying to turn it counterclock'
wise.: if it comes off, reinstallit properly.
h. Pull on the line to change the spool from the
locked position to the operating position.
i. Obtain the correct line length (4.-6 inches) by
pressing the tap button and pulling on the
line again.
NOTE: Each time the tap button is pressed, ap-
proximately 2 inches of line can be pulled from
the trimmer head.
2. SpoolReplacement
a. Replace the spool when the square corners on
the lugs are rounded off, reduced in size, or bro-
ken off.
b. To replace the spool, follow the instructions in
' Installing Spool with Line."
3. Installing Line on Spool
To replace the Line on existing Spool:
a, Follow "Installing Spool w/Line," steps
"a.- d." and remove any line remmmng, on
the spool.
b. Use a40 foot length of.080" Sears Laser Line.
c. Insert 1/16" to 1/8" of the end of the line
through the hole in the spool. •
Allow no more than 1/8" Iine to extend in-
side the spool.
d. Wrap the line onto the spool firmly and
evenly in a clockwise direction as shown by
the arrow on the spool.
NOTE: The llne must be wrapped firmly and
evenly for proper line feed.
e, Follow ':Installing Spool with Lin.e," steps
"e i "
If the line breaks off or backs up in the trim-
mer head, follow "Installing Snool' w/Line"
steps a.-d. Pull slack m hne until the hne is
tightly wound on the spool, leaving 4-6 inches of
extended line. Continue with steps "e.-i."
Line Lock Tab
Approximately 2 Inches of Line Can
_,/Be Pulled From the Trimmer Head
Each Time the Tap Button is Pressed.
___ _,_..m-._ Lug
Ooo .
For best results, use only .080"
Sears Laser Line ® .
Wrap Line on Spool
as Shown by Arrpw
4. Trouble Shooting the Trimmer Head and Line
0 Does not advan0e/breakl while euttin$ i Welds onto spooh
- Improperly wound onto spool. - Line size incorrect.
--hinesizeincorrect. - Incorrect8p0ol,
- Too littlelineoutsidehead. - Crowding lineagainstmaterialbeingcut.
• Pulls back into head: Cuttingat higherspeedsthan necessary.
- Too little line outside of head, .--