Integrating Fiberlink MaaS360 with Cisco Identity Services Engine
The Test Connection button will attempt to log in to the API and is required prior to saving the
settings with the MDM set to Enable. If the test does not complete successfully, the settings can
still be saved, but the Enable box will be deselected and the MDM will not be active.
Verify Connectivity to MDM
Some problems can occur when testing the connection to the MDM server. Table 2 shows some
common messages generated when testing the connection be
tween ISE and Fiberlink MaaS360.
The last message shown below confirms a successful connection.
Ta b l e 2 Connection Messages
Message Explanation
A routing or firewall problem exists between the
ISE located in the data center and the MDM
located in either the DMZ or Cloud. The firewall’s
configuration should be checked to confirm
HTTPS is allowed in this direction.
The most likely cause of an HTML 404 error code
is that an instance was configured when it was not
required or that the wrong instance has been
The user account setup on the Fiberlink MaaS360
server does not have the proper roles associated to
it. Validate that the account being used by ISE is
assigned the REST API MDM roles as shown
The user name or password is not correct for the
account being used by ISE. Another less likely
scenario is that the URL entered is a valid MDM
site, but not the same site used to configure the
MDM account above. Either of these could result
in the Fiberlink MaaS360 server returning an
HTML code 401 to ISE.