1-- 12T -343
1.10 ENGINE DATA (Continued)
f. Lubrication System
Oil Pre ss u r e Safe ty
Switch Setting
18 psig (1.27 kg/cm
Capacity Engine -- 16.0 US quarts (15.1 liters), includes standard filter.
Oil Level Indicator
Dipstick in oil pan or fill cap
To check oil level on engines with the dipstick mounted in the
fill cap, remove the cap and wipe the dipstick clean. Insert the
cap back onto the oil fill tube, then remove to check level. It is
not necessary to screw the cap back into the fill tube when
checking level. DO NOT add oil if level is within the “safe”
range. If needed, add oil to bring level within the “safe” range.
Screw cap fully into fill tube after checking level.
Lube Oil
Use a heavy duty lubricating oil conforming to American Pe-
troleum Institute (API) Service Classification CG, CH or CI,
Base Number 10 or above.
Lube Oil Viscosity
Outdoor Temperature
Fahrenheit Centigrade SAE
0F to 45F --18C to 7C 10W30
45F and above 7C and above 10W30 or 15W40
g. Fuel and Fuel Heater
Thermostat (FHT)
Winter Summer
Diesel No. 1 Diesel No. 2
Close on temperature fall @ 45+/-- 6.5F Open on temperature rise @ 75+/-- 6.5 F
Power Consumption: 150 Watts @ +/-- 10% at 14 VDC
h. Intake Heater Amperage 42 amps at 12 VDC
i. Horsepower
27 HP @ 1800 RPM at 3000 feet above sea level.
32 HP @ 1800 RPM at sea level.
j. Cooling System
6 U.S. quarts (5.68 liters) -- includes 1 quart (0.95 liter) in
coolant recovery bottle. (Refer to section 4.4.5)
The cooling system may be factory charged with a 50/50 mix
of ethylene glycol and water. This mixture provides protection
to --34F (--37C). For replacement, use a low silicate anti--
freeze meeting GM specifications GM 6038M or equal. Again,
a 50/50 mix is recommended.
Extended Life
The cooling system may be factory charged with a 50/50 mix
of extended life coolant (ELC) and deionized water. This mix-
ture provides protection to --34F (--37C). For replacement,
with extended life coolant (ELC) meeting GM specification
GM6277M and deionized water. Again, a 50/50 mix is recom-
mended. Extended life coolant is red or orange in color.
DO NOT mix with conventional coolant.
W ater Temperature
Safety Switch
Opens 230 +/-- 5F (110 +/-- 3C)
Resets 200F (93C) -- minimum
Starts to open 177 to 182F (80 to 84C)
Fully open 203F (95C)
Low Coolant
Loss of 32 ounces of coolant or more
Refilling of radiator to proper level
k. Lubrication System Oil Pressure 35 to 60 psig (3.3 to 5.2 kg/cm@)