The copy command becomes available
after the maximum number of occupied
periods are programmed in a day. This
example uses 1as the maximum occupied
periods ever programmed in one day.
Select Yes or No to copy I_ I_
the previous day's
( " program to this day. Tu
_ .qllllllllP.
........o rn
LU o,.,
Selecting Yes, then pressing Mode will copy the previous day's program and
then will ask the same copy question again. If yes is selected each time, this
routine will repeat until Saturday is copied to Sunday. After Saturday is
copied to Sunday, the copy command is unavailable.
Select the day
for Occupied 1.
to midnight and from midnight to the stop time on
the same day. For example: 9:00pm start, 8:00am
stop, on Monday. In this example the program will
run from 12:00am Monday to 8:00am Monday and
again from 9:00pm Monday to 12:00pm Monday.
• The Unoccupied settings take effect at all times
when: (1) the program is on and (2) the current time
is outside a preset occupied period. For this reason
start and stop times are not necessary for
• If the same start and stop times are programmed in
for an occupied period, then it will run 24 hours.
• If one occupied period starts and stops within
another occupied period the lower occupied num-
ber has priority. For example: If Occupied 3 is pro-
grammed to be "on" 24 hours, and Occupied 2 is
programmed to run that day, then Occupied 2 set-
tings will take over from Occupied 3 between Occu-
pied 2 start and stop times.
• To program Occupied 2 and Occupied 3 modes
repeat programming steps for Occupied 1.
Tita' l,.-rJm,j
J'_ • I'_ t_Am _t_! • P..!U
Adjust the start time
(_ for occupied 1.
3 • LI U Pm
Adjust the stop time
(_ for occupied 1.
(_ Select Occupied I to run
on this day (On), or not to
) run this day (Off).
Yes Nt'_
Select Yes or No to copy
the previous day's
program to this day.
Selecting Yes, then pressing Mode will copy the previous day's program and then will ask
the same copy question again. Ifyes is selected each time, this routine will repeat until Sat-
urday is copied to Sunday. After Saturday is copied to Sunday, the copy command is
If no is selected, as in previous steps, flashing prompts for input will appear for start and
stop times for Occupied 1. If more than one occupied period was selected in Step 1 on
page 3, then cool/heat set points, and start/stop times for additional occupied periods will
be prompted.
• If only 1 Occupied period is selected in step 1 on
page 3, Occupied 2 and 3 programming steps are
skipped. Further, if only 2 occupied periods are
selected, Occupied 3 programming steps are
• Heat and Cool set points for Occupied 1 are the
same for every day of the week. Heat and Cool set
points for Occupied 2 and 3 can be adjusted differ-
ently for each day of the week, if desired.
• If the start time is set later in the day than the
stop time, the program will run from the start time
Steps 1 and 2 were performed on page 2. Advanced Setup
begins with Step 3.
_j Pre,s,heModeb.....
While holding the Mode button,
press the Program button to
PROG RAM enter the Advanced Setup screens.
NOtE Each step number is located at
Select residential Heat
o: mpono,o .OFF
the top right corner of the d_slay
for easy reference
Adjust the deadband
from t to 6 degrees,
(1 to 6 F)
Adjustthe m_nlmum
cooling and heating
set po_nts.
(0 to 6 F)
_) elect the cycles pel
hour I_mit.
d=cyeles per hour
?y ,im.ofoo,od O
d 1=d + defeat 5 rain.
Compressor lockout,
{d, dl, 2-6)
Select th...... ity level:
0=no security in effect
(_ 1=set point range limited2=1 _ program on all limes
3=2 + prohibits set point _ _
Adiust the maximum /_
when secudty is in effect,
(Step 8 only appears if
Step 7 _snot O) __ _
(35 - 99 F) P=I PAII_I
Adjust the minimum
allowable cool set point
when security is n effect.
(Step g only appears ifStep 7 is nol O)
135- 99F)
Page 4