Once Linkage is active, the PremierLink controller’s own
SPT, temperature setpoints, and occupancy are ignored
and the controller will use the information provided by the
remote linkage device. The following information will be
received from the remote linked device and can be viewed
in the maintenance display table:
S Supervisory Element
S Supervisory Bus
S Supervisory Block
S Average Occupied Heat Setpoint
S Average Occupied Cool Setpoint
S Average Unoccupied Heat Setpoint
S Average Unoccupied Cool Setpoint
S Average Zone Temp
S Average Occupied Zone Temp
S Occupancy Status
In return, the PremierLink controller will provide its SAT
and operating mode to the linked device.
It will convert it s operating modes to Linkage modes. See
Table 14.
Table 14 – L inkage Modes
Demand Limit N/A N/A
Heat 3 Heating
Cool or Free Cooling 4 Cooling
IAQ Control N/A N/A
Temp. Compensated
Start Heat
2 Warm --- up
Temp. Compensated
Start Cool
4 Cooling
IAQ Purge 6 Pressurization
Occupied (Indoor Fan
4 Cooling
Unoccupied Free Cool 5 Unoccupied Free Cooling
Fire Shutdown 7 Evac
Factory/Field Test 1 Off
Off 1 Off
The PremierLink controller will generate a Linkage
Communication Failure alarm if a failure occurs for 5
consecut ive minutes once a Linkage has previously been
established. It will then revert back to its own SPT,
setpoints and occupancy schedule for control. For this
reason, Carrier strongly recommends that an SPT be
installed in the space on open plenum systems or in the
return air duct of ducted return air systems to provide
continued backup operation. When Li nkage
communication is restored, the c ontroller will generate a
return to normal.
For more information on how the PremierLink controller
is used in conjunction with the Carrier 3V control system,
conta ct your CCN controls representative.
IMPORTANT: The PremierLink controller should not be
used as a linked air source in a ComfortIDt VAV system.
The ComfortID VAV system will NOT function correctly
when applied with a PremierLink controller as the air
source, resulting in poor comfort control a nd possible
equipment malfunction.
NOTE: The PremierLink controller can be used as an air
source in a 3V Pressure Independent (PI) System (a 3V
Linkage Coordinator with ComfortID PI Zone
Controllers), but it should not be used as an air source
with ComfortID controllers unless a 3V zone controller is
used as the Linkage Coordinator. Contact your Carrier
CCN controls representative for assistance.
Demand Limit — If the demand limit option is enabled,
the control will receive and accept Redline Alert and
Loadshed commands from the CCN loadshed controller.
When a redline alert is received, the control will set the
maximum stage of capacity equal to the stage of capacity
that the unit is operating at when the redline alert was
When loadshed command is received the control will
reduce capacity as shown in Table 15.
Table 15 – Loadshed Command — Gas and Electric
Heat Units
CMP1 DX Cooling OFF
HS1 Heat OFF
HS1+HS2 (+HS3) HS1
The controller will have a maximum demand limit timer
of 1 hour that prevents the uni t from staying in load shed
or redline a lert longer than 1 hour in the event the
controller loses communication with the network load
shed module. Should t he maximum demand limit timer
expire prior to receiving the loadshed device command
from CCN, the control will stop demand limit mode and
return to normal operation.
See Ta ble 16 for torque values.