Table 16 — Fan Performance — 50BVC,E,Q034
1. Unit is available with 5 HP standard drive only. The drive range
is 967 to 1290 rpm.
2. Italics indicates field-supplied drive required.
3. Do not operate in shaded area.
4. Static pressure losses must be applied to external static pres-
sure before entering the fan performance table.
5. Interpolation is permitted, extrapolation is not.
6. Fan performance is based on filter, unit casing and wet coil
7. Bhp values are per fan. Watts values are per motor. Unit has
2 supply fans and 2 motors.
Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp
9,000 639 1187 1.36 693 1334 1.53 745 1490 1.71 795 1646 1.89 843 1802 2.07
9,500 665 1362 1.56 717 1518 1.74 766 1674 1.92 814 1839 2.11 861 2004 2.30
10,000 693 1555 1.78 743 1720 1.97 791 1894 2.17 836 2058 2.36 881 2232 2.56
10,500 721 1775 2.03 769 1949 2.23 815 2122 2.43 859 2296 2.63 902 2478 2.84
11,000 749 2004 2.30 795 2186 2.51 840 2369 2.71 882 2551 2.92 924 2742 3.14
11,500 777 2259 2.59 822 2451 2.81 864 2642 3.03 906 2833 3.25 946 3024 3.47
12,000 805 2533 2.90 848 2733 3.13 889 2933 3.36 929 3133 3.59 968 3333 3.82
12,500 835 2842 3.26 877 3042 3.49 917 3251 3.73 955 3460 3.97 993 3668 4.20
13,000 865 3169 3.63 905 3378 3.87 944 3596 4.12 981 3813 4.37 1018 4021 4.61
13,500 894 3514 4.03 933 3741 4.29 971 3958 4.54 1007 4184 4.80
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14,000 924 3895 4.46 961 4121 4.72 998 4356 4.99
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1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp Rpm Watts Bhp
9,000 890 1958 2.24 936 2122 2.43 982 2296 2.63 1026 2460 2.82 1071 2642 3.03
9,500 906 2168 2.48 950 2341 2.68 994 2515 2.88 1037 2688 3.08 1079 2870 3.29
10,000 925 2405 2.76 967 2578 2.96 1009 2760 3.16 1051 2942 3.37 1092 3124 3.58
10,500 944 2660 3.05 986 2842 3.26 1026 3024 3.47 1066 3215 3.68 1105 3405 3.90
11,000 965 2924 3.35 1004 3115 3.57 1043 3315 3.80 1082 3505 4.02 1120 3705 4.25
11,500 985 3224 3.69 1024 3414 3.91 1062 3614 4.14 1099 3813 4.37 1136 4021 4.61
12,000 1006 3532 4.05 1044 3732 4.28 1080 3940 4.52 1117 4148 4.75 1152 4356 4.99
12,500 1030 3877 4.44 1066 4085 4.68 1102 4302 4.93
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13,000 1053 4239 4.86
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Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Supply Fan
Watts — Input Power to Supply Fan Motor