Table 4B — Electrical Data — 30HL and HWA Condenserless Units
Volts Voltage*
Nameplate (3 ph) Hz Min Max PW XL PW XL PW XL
208/230 60 187 253 190 † 571 250 225 100/65** † 506/315** † 78/50**
460 60 414 518 84 † 282 125 100 44/29** † 253/173** † 68/45**
575 60 518 632 75 † 203 110 90 38/27** † 176/128** † 58/42**
200 50 198 253 187 † 449 250 225 83 † 366 † 128
400 50 342 440 99 † 297 125 110 44 † 253 † 68
208/230 60 187 253 225 † 606 300 250 100 † 506 † 78
460 60 414 518 99 † 297 125 110 44 † 253 † 68
575 60 518 632 86 † 214 110 100 38 † 176 † 58
200 50 198 253 261 † 616 350 300 116 † 545 † 180
400 50 342 440 138 † 406 175 175 61 † 345 † 95
208/230 60 187 253 72 — 266 125 90 57 — 266 — 89
380 60 342 418 40 — 145 70 50 32 — 145 — 45
460 60 414 508 34 — 120 60 45 27 — 120 — 41
575 60 518 632 28 — 96 45 35 22 — 96 — 33
230 50 198 253 58 — 200 100 70 46 — 200 — 63
380/415 50 342 440 34 — 115 60 45 27 — 115 — 41
208/230 60 187 253 79 207 345 125 100 63 207 345 98 98
380 60 342 418 47 104 173 80 60 37 104 173 52 52
460 60 414 508 38 104 173 60 45 30 104 173 42 45
575 60 518 632 30 72 120 50 40 24 72 120 33 37
230 50 198 253 67 150 250 110 80 53 150 250 80 80
380/415 50 342 440 38 104 173 60 45 30 104 173 44 44
208/230 60 187 253 107 268 446 175 150 85 268 446 124 124
380 60 342 418 60 134 223 100 80 48 134 223 70 70
460 60 414 508 54 134 223 90 70 43 134 223 52 60
575 60 518 632 42 98 164 70 50 33 98 164 42 52
230 50 198 253 85 205 342 150 110 68 205 342 98 98
380/415 50 342 440 54 134 223 90 70 43 134 223 60 60
208/230 60 187 253 119 304 506 200 150 95 304 506 144 144
380 60 342 418 67 152 253 110 80 53 152 253 80 80
460 60 414 508 54 152 253 90 70 43 152 253 66 66
575 60 518 632 44 106 176 70 60 35 106 176 50 52
230 50 198 253 94 220 366 150 125 75 220 366 112 112
380/415 50 342 440 54 152 253 90 70 43 152 253 66 66
208/230 60 187 253 167 414 690 300 200 133 414 690 204 204
380 60 342 418 95 207 345 150 125 76 207 345 106 106
460 60 414 508 78 207 345 125 100 62 207 345 95 98
575 60 518 632 63 165 276 110 80 50 165 276 73 76
230 50 198 253 135 327 545 225 175 108 327 545 166 166
380/415 50 342 440 78 207 345 125 100 62 207 345 98 98
ICF — Maximum instantaneous current flow during starting. For these
single-compressor units, ICF is the compressor LRA.
kcmil — Thousand circular mils
LRA — Locked rotor amps. First value is for part-wind start. Larger value
is the full LRA.
MCA — Minimum circuit amps (for wire sizing). Complies with NEC,
Section 430-24.
MFA — Maximum fuse amps (225% of compressor RLA). Size down to
the next standard fuse size.
MTA — Must-trip amps (compressor circuit breaker).
NEC — National Electrical Code (U.S.A.)
PW — Part wind
Rec Fuse — Recommended dual element fuse amps (150% of
compressor RLA). Size up to the next standard fuse size.
RLA — Rated load amps
XL — Across the line
*Supply Range — Units aresuitable for use on electrical systems wherevolt-
agesupplied totheunitterminalsis notbeloworabove thelistedrangelimits.
†Contact your local Carrier representative for part-wind details.
**Compressor no. 1/Compressor no. 2.
1. All units have one field power terminal block.
2. Maximum incoming wire size:
a. 350 kcmilfor unit sizes 040-060; 208/230-3-60, 230-3-50, and 400-3-50
b. 2/0 for all other unit sizes; all voltages.
3. Any field modification of factory wiring must be in compliance with all ap-
plicable codes. Field-installed power wires must be rated 75 C minimum.
4. Usecopper,copper-clad aluminum,oraluminum conductorsforfield wiring.
5. Forall30HW units,controlcircuit powersupplyis 115-vsingle phasefor50-
and 60-Hz units. Control power is supplied by the factory-installed control
transformer.Additional control circuit power isnot required for 30HW units.
6. Across-the-line start is standard on all units. Part-wind start is available as
a factory-installed option on 025-060 sizes (not available on 018 size; spe-
cial order option on 30HK,HL units).
7. For all 30HK,HL units, control circuit MCAis 7.2, and control circuit MFA is
15. For30HK,HL60 Hz units,a separately-fused (15amp maximum) 115v,
single-phase, 60 Hz, power supply or accessory transformer is required.
For30HK,HL50 Hzunits, afield-supplied, separatelyfused(15 ampsmaxi-
mum), 230 v, single-phase, 50 Hz power supply is required.
(30HK, HL, HWA, HWB, (30HK, HL, HWA, HWB,
HWC 60 Hz Only) HWC 60 Hz Only)