Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I start my pressure washer?
1. Make sure you have gas and oil in the engine. The engine does not come with oil.
2. Turn the water on, then squeeze the trigger on the gun to make sure the water will flow smoothly out of the tip.
3. Put the engine throttle control fully to the left, in the “Fast/Start” position. Set the shut off switch to “ON.”
4. Set the choke fully to the left. Set the fuel valve lever fully to the right in the “ON” position.
5. Pull the trigger (to relieve any back pressure in the pump) while pulling the starter cord.
What type of oil do I use?
Engine: The engine DOES NOT COME FILLED WITH OIL. See Page 10 for engine oil types and quantities.
Pump: The pump comes filled with the correct amount of oil and should not need changing or filling. Refer to Pages 9 and
10 of this manual for oil changing instructions, oil types and quantities.
Why don’t I have any water pressure?
• Isthewaterhoseattachedtothepressurewasher?
• Isthewaterturnedon?
• Checkforanykinks,leaks,orblockageinthehoses,fittings,orthenozzle.
• Isthequickconnecttipinplace?(SeePage5and6).
• Istheinletfilterscreenfreeofdebris?Checkandremovedebrisifneeded.
How do I get high pressure?
• Useanycolortipexceptblack.Theblacktipisonlyusedforlowpressuredetergentapplication.
How do I get the soap suction to work?
1. Connect the clear plastic chemical suction tube to the plastic hose barb on pump, insert the other end into your
2. Install the black spray tip to apply low pressure detergent.
Why doesn’t the pressure washer apply detergents with high pressure?
Detergents “bounce” off cleaning surfaces as fast as they are applied. The pressure washer’s features allow for a detergent
to be drawn while in low pressure mode only. By applying detergent at low pressure, the effect of “bouncing” is reduced.
Also, detergents are only effective when time is allowed for them to work on the surface of whatever is being cleaned. After
applying the detergent, wait 1-3 minutes while it works, and then proceed to rinse the surface with high pressure.
What maintenance do I need to perform on my pressure washer?
1. After turning off the pressure washer and the water, depressurize the hose by triggering the gun.
2. Remove the garden hose and high pressure hose from the pump.
3. Pull the start rope slowly five times to purge water from the pump. This will help protect the pump from damage.
4. Do not store your pressure washer in an area where the temperature will drop below 32° F.
5. Follow proper storage and winterizing instructions found on pages 8 and 9.
What do I do if I’m missing a part?
Call Campbell Hausfeld at 1-800-330-0712 and we will promptly replace your missing parts. DO NOT RETURN THE PRESSURE
Where can I buy accessories for my pressure washer?
• Ifyoucan’tfindaccessoriesatthestorewhereyoupurchasedyourpressurewasher,callCampbellHausfeldat
1-800-330-0712 or visit our website at www.chpower.com.
Who do I call if I have questions or problems?
Call Campbell Hausfeld at 1-800-330-0712 (U.S.A.)