
SERVICE (cont.)
Compressor Model:
EMBRACO/NT2168GK, 115V 60HZ/100V 50HZ
Compressor Specification:
Commercial Designation: ¾ HP
Nominal Voltage:
115VAC 60 HZ 1 PH / 100VAC 50 HZ 1 PH
Electrical Rating: 115VAC 60 HZ: 8 RLA (Rated Load
Amps), 54.5 LRA (Locked Rotor Amps)
Start Winding Resistance: 2.66 OHMS
Run Winding Resistance: 0.43 OHMS
Displacement: 0.885 CU IN
Refrigerant: R-404A
Oil Type: ESTER/IS022
Oil Charge: 15.22 FL. Oz.
Electrtic Motor Type: The type of motor being used
in the ULTRA-2 HP dispenser is known as CSR motor
(Capacitive Start & Run).
The CSR version uses a start and run capacitor with
an external thermal protector. The start capacitor is
in series with the compressor motor start winding. A
potential starting relay coil is wired across the start
winding which can sense change in voltage. The start-
ing winding voltage will increase along with motor
speed. When the voltage has reached a point, the re-
lay contacts will open, de-energizing the start winding
Capacitor Ratings:
Start Capacitor: 243-292 MFD 165V 50/60HZ
Run Capacitor: 35 +/-5% MFD 425V 50/60HZ
Refrigerant Charge:
Type: R404A
Amount: 11 oz.
Design Pressure: High 430 & Low 80
CSR Motor Wiring Diagram: