Bryant Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Residential Products Technical Guide
Copeland – turned theory into practical
reality, using sophisticated, computer-assisted
design and manufacturing methods to achieve
the critical tolerances required. In the years
since, Copeland has become the leader in
scroll compressor applications, with nine scroll
manufacturing facilities on three continents and
millions of units installed worldwide.
Copeland Scroll compressors employ two
identical, concentric scrolls, one inserted
within the other. One scroll remains stationary as the other orbits
around it. This movement draws gas into the compression chamber
and moves it through successively smaller “pockets” formed by the
scroll’s rotation, until it reaches maximum pressure at the center
of the chamber. There, it’s released through a discharge port in the
fi xed scroll. During each orbit, several pockets are compressed
simultaneously, so operation is virtually continuous.
Recently, Copeland produced its 500,000th Scroll compressor with
the environmentally sound refrigerant HFC-410A. Field results have
shown that HFC-410A units with Copeland Scroll compressors offer
nearly 30% lower failure rates versus existing R-22 units. HFC-410A
units can reach the industry’s highest effi ciency levels. HFC-410A
scrolls also offer sound advantages to other compressor technologies,
typically operating several decibels quieter than comparable R-22
models. The result is unsurpassed reliability and virtually silent
Other New Features
• Powder coated cabinet, taupe metallic.
• Liftout handles for front access panels.
• Corrosion and stain resistant stainless steel drain pan with extra
slope designed in.
• Factory mounted fi lter drier for trouble free reliability.
• Easy access low profi le horizontal control box.
• Double isolated compressor for quiet and vibration
free operation.
Foil faced insulation in air handling compartment to allow easy
cleaning and prevent microfi ber introduction into the air stream.
• Open Service-Friendly Cabinet ( i.e, all components in
compressor section can be serviced from the front).
is a non-chlorine based (HFC-410A) refrigerant, that with
R-407C and R-134A, is seen as the future of all refrigerants used
worldwide. HFC-410A characteristics compared to R-22 are:
• Binary and near azeotropic mixture of 50% R-32 and
50% R-125.
• Higher effi ciencies (50-60% higher operating pressures)
Zero ozone depletion potential and low global warming potential.
• Virtually no glide. Unlike other alternative refrigerants, the
two components in HFC-410A have virtually the same leak
rates. Therefore, refrigerant can be added if necessary without
recovering the charge.
MERV 11 2” Pleated fi lter
All GT-PG units include a factory
installed 2” fi lter rack/duct collar
with a 2” pleated high effi ciency
MERV 11 air fi lter. The MERV
(minimum effi ciency reporting value
per ASHRAE Standard 52.2) design
features ultra low velocity (<300
fpm) for extended fi lter life, low pressure drop (0.13 – 0.18 in. wg.)
and high particulate effi ciency (size E1=41%, E2=69% and E3=87%).
The pleated design and low velocity combine to allow the fi lter to
store a large amount of dirt and result in a practical replacement life of
up to 6 months.
Tin-Coated Air Coil
All Bryant Geothermal GT-
PG Series models feature a
tin-coated air-coil. This coating
process will provide years of
protection against corrosion
from airborne chemicals
resulting from modern building
material out gassing and most
environmental chemicals found
in the air. Modern building
materials such as counter-tops,
fl oor coverings, paints and other materials can “outgas” chemicals into
the home’s air. Some of these chemicals are suspected of contributing
to corrosion in the air coils found in both traditional and geothermal
heating and cooling equipment. Corrosion often results in refrigerant
leaks and eventual failure of the air coil costing hundreds of dollars to
replace. Studies have also shown that these air coil coatings improve
moisture shedding and therefore improve a unit’s moisture removal
capability resulting in a more comfortable home. The GT-PG Series is
your assurance of both maximum air coil life and comfort.
Copeland Scroll Compressor
There’s a reason 9 out of every 10 scroll compressors installed
are Copeland. With over 15 years of painstaking R & D and rigid
production controls, Copeland is able to build the most reliable,
effi cient and quiet scroll compressors in the world.
The concept of compressing a gas by turning one involute form – or
“scroll” – against another around a common axis is nearly a century
old. It wasn’t until the late 1980s, however that one company –
What's New with Bryant Geothermal's GT-PG?