ARI R ef. No. Model N umber Indoor Model Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER
3043577 113ANA060---F CNPV*6024A** 315(A,J)AV066135 56000 11.00 13.50
3043578 113ANA060---F CNPV*6024A** 315(A,J)AV066155 56500 11.20 13.50
3099556 113ANA060---F CNPV*6024A** 353AAV060120 56500 11.00 13.20
3043576 113ANA060---F CNPV*6024A**+TDR 57000 11.00 13.00
3043566 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 313*AV048090 56000 11.00 13.20
3043567 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 313*AV060110 56500 11.20 13.20
3043568 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 313*AV060135 56000 11.00 13.20
3043583 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 315(A,J)AV060110 56500 11.00 13.20
3043584 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 315(A,J)AV066135 56500 11.20 13.50
3043585 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 315(A,J)AV066155 56500 11.20 13.50
3099559 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 353AAV060100 56500 11.00 13.20
3099560 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A** 353AAV060120 56500 11.00 13.20
3043582 113ANA060---F CSPH*6012A**+TDR 57500 11.00 13.00
3069700 113ANA060---F FE4ANB006+UI 57500 11.50 13.50
3043587 113ANA060---F FV4BNB006 57000 11.20 13.50
3043586 113ANA060---F FX4CN(B,F)060 58000 11.00 13.20
3043588 113ANA060---F FY4ANB060 56500 11.00 13.00
* Testedcombination
EER —Energy EfficiencyRatio
SEER —Seasona l Energy EfficiencyRatio
TDR —Time---Delay Relay In mostcases, only1 method should beused to achieveTDR function. Usingmo re than 1method ina system maycause degradation in performance.
Use eitherthe accessory Time---DelayRelay KAATD0101TDR ora furnace equippedwith TDR. MostBryant furnaces areequipped with TDR.
TXV —Thermostati c Expansion Valve
1. Ratings are netvalues reflecting theeffects ofcirculating fan motorhea t. Supplemental electricheat is noti ncluded.
2. Tested outdoor/indoorcombinations have been tested inaccordance with DOE testprocedures forcentral air conditioners. Ratings forother combinations are determined underDOE
computer simulationprocedures.
3. Determine actual CFM valuesobtainable for yoursystem by referringto fan performance data in fancoil orfurnace coilliterature.
4. Do notapply withcapillary tubecoils as performance and reliabilityare affected.