
Biscuit dough
Place softened butter and sugar into the
processing bowl. Process using the ON button
until lightly creamed. With the motor running,
add eggs one at a time down the food chute,
mixing well after each addition. Place dry
ingredients into the processing bowl and use
the PULSE button until ingredients are just
combined. Add dried fruit, nuts, etc. through
the food chute and use the Pulse button until
the additions are folded through evenly.
Melt ‘n’ mix biscuits
Place melted ingredients, followed by liquid
ingredients then dry ingredients into the
processing bowl. Process ingredients using the
PULSE button until just combined. If necessary,
interrupt the processing, remove the lid and
scrape the mixture from the sides of the bowl.
Replace the lid and continue but do not over-
process the mixture. Add dried fruit, nuts etc.
after this step using PULSE button until folded
through evenly.
The Quad
processing blade purees raw
and cooked food to the consistency required,
including baby food. For many large processing
tasks, the four blades will cut the processing
time needed to achieve the desired results.
Always remember to place the Quad
processing blade into the bowl before adding
the food.
After pureeing the food, carefully remove
the Quad
processing blade and use the
spatula to scrape any food adhering to the
blade and the processing bowl.
Basic Food Processing Techniques continued
Cooked vegetables
Peel and cut vegetables into 2.5cm cubes.
Ensure vegetables are well cooked and
softened before processing. Process no more
than 2 cups at a time using the ON button until
food is pureed to desired consistency.
After processing vegetables, add stock
through the food chute, if necessary, to
make a smoother puree.
Creamed vegetable soups
Use same process as for cooked vegetables
above then with motor running, gradually add
no more than 2 cups stock and cream or milk
through the food chute. Do not exceed MAX
liquid level.
Cooked pumpkin Pureed pumpkin
Cooked meat and patés
Trim and cut cooked meat into 2.5cm cubes.
For chicken liver paté, leave livers whole.
Process no more than 2 cups at a time
using the ON button until pureed to desired
consistency. For paté, add cream through food
chute while motor is running.
Add pan juices during processing if mixture
becomes too stiff.
BFP650_IB_FA.indd 15 17/4/09 3:27:31 PM