Page 20
Carriage “Full Out” Alignment: When the
carriage is deployed to the “Full Out” posi-
tion, the front bar of the carriage should align
parallel with the union bar of the housing.
This alignment will help ensure that a fully
deployed and elevated platform will properly
align with the bus threshold. Properly main-
taining this carriage alignment will also help
provide optimal performance during the in/out
movement of the carriage and platform.
Accurate inspection of the carriage align-
ment can be done by measuring the distance
behind each drive motor from the rear carriage
bar to the rear housing (L
and L
in Photo
Z). Comparing the two distances, increase
the chain tension on the side of the longest
distance, via the tension locknut, 1/2 turn
for each 1mm difference. Cycle the ramp
several times, observing the full out align-
ment of the ramp with the bus threshold.
Stopping once again at the fully deployed
position re-measure the distance behind each
drive motor from the rear carriage bar to the
rear housing and adjust the chain tension ac-
cordingly until the full out alignment from side
to side is within ±1mm. Note: If the chain
tension of one side is overly increased, it may
result in a binding condition of the track roll-
ers in the guide rail and lead to obstructions
sensed by the control box.
Maintenance, Lubrication & Adjustments
Photo Z
Interior Adjustments (continued)