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Platform Manual Release Sys-
tem: A cable-activated manual
release system releases and en-
gages the platform carriage assem-
bly drive chain to allow the platform
carriage assembly to be manually
moved out (extended) or moved in
(retracted) as needed. A T-handle
is provided on the release cable
for activation of the manual release
system (details follow).
After manually moving the platform
in or out, it is extremely important
that the cable-activated manual
release is positively re-engaged to
secure (lock) the platform carriage
assembly before loading a passen-
ger on the platform or before driving
the vehicle.
Grasp the outer barrier and move
the platform in and out until the
platform locks (chain release
assembly engages), securing the
platform carriage assembly within
the housing. You will feel the re-
lease mechanism engage.
Failure to manually lock the plat-
form carriage assembly (re-engage
the carriage assembly drive chain)
after manual deployment, will al-
low the platform to roll in or out of
housing unhindered during vehicle
movement. Failure to lock the plat-
form will also allow the platform to
roll in or out of housing unhindered
during hand pump raising and low-
ering procedures.
After manually releasing plat-
form, push manual release
T-handle in fully and ensure
platform is locked before driving
lift vehicle. Uncontrolled and
Do not remove!
Push T-handle in fully and
manually move platform in
and out to engage platform
lock before driving vehicle.
Failure to lock platform may
result in unintended platform
deployment. Unintended
platform deployment may
result in serious bodily injury
and/or property damage.
Cable-Activated Platform Manual Release System
Manual Operating Instructions
unintentional platform deploy-
ment (inadvertent platform ejec-
tion) may result in serious bodily
injury and/or property damage.