Divar XF Hardware setup | en 29
Bosch Security Systems Installation manual F.01U.135.429 | 2.5 | 2009.08
supply for the external keyboard. The recommended cable type is Belden 8760 or equivalent.
Connect the keyboard terminator (supplied with the Intuikey keyboard) to the KBD out
connector. If multiple Divar XF units are controlled with a single keyboard, the KBD out
connector of the last Divar XF must be terminated.
Communicaton protocol: RS485
Maximum signal voltage: ± 12V
Power supply: 11 - 12.6 VDC, maximum 400 mA
Maximum cable length: 30 meters (using standard 6-core telecom flat cable), or 1.5
kilometers (using Belden 8760 or equivalent in combination with the LTC 8557).
Cable type: black (cross-over) cable (supplied with keyboard)
Termination: 390 ohm terminator
Figure 4.13 Keyboard input and output connectors
Table 4.2 Keyboard In - RJ11 socket (KBD in)
Table 4.3 Keyboard out - RJ11 socket (KBD out)
4.10 Ethernet connection
The standard RJ-45 Ethernet socket is used to connect the unit directly to a PC, IP camera, or
to a network. To connect to a network hub or switch, use a straight-through network cable. To
connect directly to a PC or IP camera, use the supplied cross-over network cable. Consult
with your local IT personnel for the specific type of cable needed. The maximum cable length
from node to node is limited to 100 meters (300 feet).
Connection: 10/100 BaseT, IEEE 802.3
Differential signal voltage: ± 2.8 V maximum, inputs have transient overvoltage protection
Ethernet port details: EEE 802.3/802.3u - 100Base-TX/10Base-T physical layer
Auto negotiation: 10/100, full/half duplex
Pin number Signal
1 +12 VDC (11 V Min to 12.6 V Max, 400 mA Max)
2 System ground
3 Keyboard plus line
4 Keyboard minus line
5 System ground
6 System ground
Pin number Signal
1 No connection
2 System ground
3 Keyboard minus line
4 Keyboard plus line
5 System ground
6 No connection