88 en | Configuration Using a Web Browser VideoJet X40 SN
DOC | V4.0 | 2009.06 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Security Systems
– Large
704 × 576/480 pixels (4CIF)
File name
You can select how file names will be created for the individual images that are transmitted.
– Overwrite
The same file name is always used and any existing file will be overwritten with the
current file.
– Increment
A number from 000 to 255 is added to the file name and automatically incremented by 1.
When it reaches 255 it starts again from 000.
– Date/time suffix
The date and time are automatically added to the file name. When setting this parameter,
ensure that the unit's date and time are always correctly set. Example: the file
snap011005_114530.jpg was stored on October 1, 2005 at 11:45 and 30 seconds.
Posting interval
Enter the interval in seconds at which the images will be sent to an FTP server. Enter zero if
you do not want any images to be sent.
FTP server IP address
Enter the IP address of the FTP server on which you wish to save the JPEG images.
FTP server login
Enter your login name for the FTP server.
FTP server password
Enter the password that gives you access to the FTP server.
Path on FTP server
Enter the exact path on which you wish to post the images on the FTP server.
Post JPEG from camera
Click the checkbox to activate the camera input for the JPEG image. An enabled camera
inputis indicated by a check mark.
5.42 Advanced Mode: Encryption
A special license, with which you will receive a corresponding activation key, is required to
encrypt user data. You can enter the activation key to release the function on the Licenses
page (see Section 5.44 Advanced Mode: Licenses, page 91).
The numbering follows the labeling of the video inputs on the actual unit.
The creation of JPEG images has a lower priority than video encoding and image analysis.
Thiscan result in JPEG images being created with a delay of up to several seconds after the
triggering event. If reliable, real-time recording of the alarm is required, ensure that the
encoder has enough computing power available.