
30 en | Cable and Wire Standards AutoDome Power Supply Boxes
F.01U.250.895 | 1.0 | 2011.08 Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
In a daisy chain configuration, where multiple domes are
connected in series, the 100 Ω resistor must be removed from
all but the last dome. You can daisy chain a maximum of four (4)
Figure 3.3 Connections for a Daisy Chain Configuration
3.4.2 Controlling the AutoDome via the RS232 Protocol
(3-wire, full-duplex, single-ended, 50 ft. cable limit)
RS232 is a common, single-ended communication protocol
used for control. Data transmission via 3-wires (TDX, RXD,
common) is from one transmitter to one receiver at relatively
slow baud rates (up to 57.6 Kbaud) and short distances up to
50 ft.
1 C- (Biphase) 9 Dome 3
2 C+ (Biphase) 10 Dome 2
3 Earth Ground 11 Dome 1
4 RxD 12 Head End Biphase
5 TxD 13 C- (Biphase)
6 Signal Ground 14 C + (Biphase)
7 Last Dome Data In/Out 15 Shield
8 P105/P106 Connector in Power
Supply Box
100 Ω
After making the wire connections for RS232 operation,
reposition the slide switch located on the CPU Module to the
camera head inward and away from the LEDs.