Bosch HD LCD Monitors Safety | en 11
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. User's Manual F.01U.272.027 | 1.0 | 2012.08
– Ventilation - Do not place this unit in a built-in installation
or rack without proper ventilation or adhering to the
manufacturer's instructions. The equipment must not
exceed its maximum operating temperature requirements.
– Mechanical loading - Properly mount the equipment in a
rack to prevent a hazardous condition due to uneven
mechanical loading.
All the input/output ports are Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV)
circuits. SELV circuits should only be connected to other SELV
Because the ISDN circuits are treated like telephone-network
voltage, avoid connecting the SELV circuit to the Telephone
Network Voltage (TNV) circuits.
System ground/Safety ground
The system ground is only used to comply with safety standards
or installation practices in certain countries. Bosch does not
recommend connecting system ground to safety ground unless
it is explicitly required. However, if the system ground and
safety ground are connected and grounding loops are causing
interference in the video signal, use an isolation transformer
(available separately from Bosch).
Video loss - Video loss is inherent to digital video recording;
therefore, Bosch Security Systems cannot be held liable for any
damage that results from missing video information. To
minimize the risk of lost digital information, Bosch Security
Systems recommends multiple, redundant recording systems,
and a procedure to back up all analog and digital information.
Connecting System ground to Safety ground may result in
ground loops that can disrupt the CCTV system.