Leg Y
• Screw
Figure 23
Figure 24
Drain Hose Connection
2 After the unit is instafled in the enclosure, bvebd and
secured, lock the two front bg bvebrs in place by
driving the enclosed bg bvebr locking screws into
each screw boss located in front of the bvebrs, See
Figure 23,
3 Tighten screws until they are flush with the surface of
the bosses,
mnstaHation of the Rubber Drain Hose
1 Obtain the Rubber Drain Hose Adaptor and the two
hose damps from the Dishwasher Instaflation Kit,
2 On one outside end of the Rubber Drain Hose Adapter
is a raised groove, Insert the drain hose into the end
without the raised groove. Be sure to fully insert the
drain hose,
3 Secure the connection with the Silver Spring Clamp,
4 Use the Gold Screw Clamp to attach the Rubber Drain
Hose Adaptor to the house plumbing,
Figure 25
Connecting the Drain Hose to the
Household P_umbing
The dishwasher drain hose may be connected to the drain
plumbing in one of four ways:
1 Directly to the undersink dishwasher drain connection,
as shown in Figure 24,
2 Directly to a disposer dishwasher drain connection, as
shown in Figure 25,
3 To the undersink dishwasherdrain connection through
an air gap, as shown in Figure 26,
4 To a disposer dishwasher drain connection through an
air gap, as shown on Figure 27,
information on installing air gaps and disposers can be
found in the Ptumbing Preparation section of this
NOTE: if the dishwasher drain hose is to be connected to
a disposer dishwasher drain connection, remove the plug
from the disposer's dishwasher drain connection.
Use the supplied Rubber Drain Hose Adaptor and Drain
Hose Clamps to connect the dishwasher drain hose to the
plumbing drain connection. Use the spring clamp to
secure the Rubber Drain Hose Adaptor to the dishwasher
drain hose. Use the screw clamp to secure the Rubber
Drain Hose Adaptor to the plumbing drain connection.
The dishwasher drain hose must have one place along its
length that is securely attached 20 inches above the
cabinet floor,
Figure 26 Figure 27