Security Escort | Technical Reference Manual | 6.0 Security Escort
Pager Setup
Bosch Security Systems | 6/12 | 38947D
Up to 256 individual alphanumeric
pagers; grouped into 99 groups of
Both dial up and local serial port
connected paging systems, in the
same system, at the same time.
Service pages that can activate a
group of eight service pagers in
addition to a single pager.
Alarm pages that can activate a
group of eight alarm pagers in
addition to a single pager. All
alarms located in an alarm area can
page an additional group of eight
pagers specific to that area.
Manual pages sent to any individual
pager or pager group.
All paging system communication
using the TAP or PET protocols. This
is true for both the dial-up and
local serial port connected paging
systems. Currently there is no
support for any other pager
The system does not support numeric
only or vibrate only pagers.
At this time, the only local paging
system tested is TEKK model: PT-400
(Tekk Inc., 226 N. W. Parkway, Kansas
City, MO, Phone (816) 746-1098, Fax
(816) 746-1093).
Set the DIP switch for TAP Mode,
9600N81, Switch 6 off, all other
switches on.
The pager ID to be used for each pager
is the seven-digit CAP code that is on
a label on the back of the pager (such
as 0991001). A three-digit code must be
appended to the end of the CAP code.
For example, 0991001ERF where E is the
Message Encoding Type, R is the RF data
rate, and F is the Function Code.
Message Encoding Type (E) must be a “1”
for alphanumeric coding.
RF data rate (R) is “5” for 512 BPS,
“1” for 1200 BPS, or “2” for 2400 BPS.
Many systems use 512 BPS for more
reliable transmissions.
Function Code (F) may be set to one
through four for a specific function
code or zero for the default (recommend
the Function Code be set to zero).
For an alphanumeric pager communicating
at 512 BPS, the pager ID in our example
is 0991001150.
For dial-up paging systems, the paging
company assigns the phone number and
Pager ID. Typically, the pager ID is
the last seven digits dialed to access
the pager from a phone.
Service pages page the members of the
service group first, followed by the
single service pager.
Alarm pages page the members of the
alarm area paging group first (if any),
followed by the alarm group, and
finally the single alarm pager.
6.1 Dial-up Paging Modem Setup
All dial-up pager access is through the
modem. The baud rate set up in the
Remote Comm Port Setup Screen under the
Setup Menu for the modem port is for
remote access to the Security Escort
System and not for pager dial-up
access. Leave this baud rate at the
correct setting for remote access.
6.2 Local Paging Setup
The local paging system is accessed
through a system serial port. Assign
System Serial Port 1 or 2 to the
computer port to be used in the Remote
Comm Port Setup Screen under the Setup
Menu. Also configure the baud rate to
match the local paging system
(typically 9600 baud).
In the Remote Setup Screen, assign
System Serial Port 1 or 2 as the
destination for Local Service Pages,
Local Security Pages, or All Local
Figure 722: Remote Setup Screen