Green in your environment.
Bosch in your kitchen.
At Bosch our aim is to not only provide
you with reliable, high quality products
that make your life easier, but to also
protect and promote a sustainable
environment for future generations.
This means that every time we design
a new product our ideas are based on
ecological principles, to ensure that
we make the most economic use of
natural resources, and avoid pollution
of the air, soil and water.
Energy efficiency ratings Energy
efficiency labels are informative labels
affiliated to manufactured products.
These labels are able to indicate
a products energy performance in
order to provide consumers with the
necessary data for making informed
purchase decisions.
The more efficient a product is the
less energy it requires and the more
you get for your money. Not only is
this saving of electricity good for
your wallet, but it is good for the
environment too; between 1995 and
2000 there has been a saving of three-
quarter million-tons of CO
alone in
Europe, by improving the technique
of large household appliances. The
energy label ranks the appliance’s
efficiency from “A” to “G”.
These are categorised as follows:
Class A – C good
Class D average
Class E – G poor
Bosch is proud to announce that not
one of its integrated appliances have
a rating lower than “C” with over 80%
of the appliances having a rating of B
or higher.
Fridges and freezers are the most
hardworking appliances in your kitchen
as they are on the go 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
The energy label is able to provide
information about their performance
and physical characteristics. These
include the annual consumption of
energy (in kWh p/a) as well as the
storage volume of the compartments
(in Litres). All Bosch cooling
appliances, even the entry level
models have very efficient energy
ratings. It is important to note that
the energy label supplies you with the
net volume as opposed to the gross
volume of the unit. This is the usable
volume of the fridge as opposed to
the overall volume, and can therefore
be relatively important when making
a decision as to which unit is best
for you. Bosch cooling products have
been converted to CFC and HFC free
materials in 1993 already. This means
that the harmful substances previously
used in the insulation materials have
been replaced with environmentally
friendly natural gases which do not
damage the ozone layer or increase
the harmful greenhouse effect.
The energy label for dishwashers
has gradually been introduced to the
whole of Europe since 1999.The aim of
this is to reduce energy consumption,
while at the same time not having any
adverse effect on the cleaning and
drying performance of the appliance.
Dishwashers, in general, use the
Eco50°C programme as its standard
programme upon which energy
consumption is rated. The energy
label for dishwashers comprises 3
classifications namely:
• Energy efficiency
• Cleaning performance
• Drying performance
The values are determined according
to the re-formulated norm EN50242.
The aim of the energy efficiency label
is to offer consumers a standardised
method of choosing the most energy
efficient appliance, while at the same
time offering you the best possible
washing results.
Washing machines use the Cotton
60°C program as its standard program
upon which energy efficiency, washing
and spin-drying performance levels are
The energy label for washing machines
compromises 3 classifications (ranging
from “A” to “G” rating) namely:
• Energy efficiency
• Washing performance
• Spin-drying performance
The values are determined according
to the reformulated norm EN60456.
There is a difference between
condensation and vented dryers, with
condensation dryers having
a lower energy efficiency than
vented dryers.
Less efficient
Energy Consumption kWh/year
(based on standard test results for 24h)
Actual energy consumption will
depend on how the appliance is
used, and where it is located.
Fresh Food Volume L
Frozen Food Volume L
(dB (A) re 1 pW)
Further information is continued
in product brochures
KGU 36193
More efficient
145 litres or 5.1ft3