Click to connect to the device and to assign it to VSG.
When logon is successful, configure the protocol settings if required.
Click to activate the configuration settings in the Protocol settings group.
This button does not appear, if you configure a camera that was detected by network scan and
added by clicking . The button appears, if you select a line in the VSG cameras list and
click the Add... or the Edit... button.
Protocol settings
Make the desired protocol settings. Note that the available configuration settings change with
the selected entry in the Type list.
Note: The available configuration settings change with the selected entry.
Entry in the Type list
Available configuration settings
Bosch RCP+ Video input
Select the number of the desired camera if you configure
a multichannel device.
Select the number of the stream of the selected camera.
Used for transmission in the Internet and / or for lossless
data transmission. Ensures that no data packet gets lost.
Bandwidth requirement can be high.
Use if the device is located behind a Firewall. Does not
support multicast.
Used for connectionless and lightweight data
transmission in private networks. Data packets can get
lost. Bandwidth requirement can be low.
Supports multicast.
ONVIF Media Profile
Contains advanced settings including a specific camera
including amongst others the encoding settings.
Video source
Contains basic video settings including a specific
Corresponds to a physical video input.
Select a profile number. If you selected Video source,
usually only one entry is available.
36 en | User interface Video Recording Manager
2012.05 | v1 | DOC Software Manual
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH