
To jump to the previous / next step of a camera sequence:
In the Image window toolbar, click
or .
The sequence jumps to the previous or next step.
Starting instant playback
Main window >
You can view the recordings of a camera in an Image pane in the
Live Mode.
The current setting of the digital zoom and the image section are
used for instant playback.
The start time (number of seconds in the past or rewind time)
for instant playback is configured in the Options dialog box
(Extras menu, Options... command).
To start instant playback:
1. Select the required Image pane.
Click .
The recording is played.
To return to live image, click .
Note: More than one Image pane with instant playback is
possible, even multiple instant playbacks of the same camera.
Starting manual recording
Main window
You can start recording for each camera manually. The quality
level of alarm recording mode is used. The duration of alarm
recording is configured in the Configuration Client.
If the selected camera is already recording, the quality level is
changed to alarm recording mode. The alarm recording can be
protected when NVR recording is used. With VRM recording, the
alarm recording is not protected.
en | Basic operation tasks
Bosch Video
Management System
2012.07 | V1 | F.01U.269.054 Quick Start Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH