DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 12
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
delegate ID
a number in the range 1-1500 that identifies the delegate in the
delegate database. Each delegate has a unique ID-number.
the legend text of the selection made by that delegate.
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.
The vote must be an open vote.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESWIN#
Returns the contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen.
“num, group name, present legend, present, not voted legend, not voted,
the voting number. A decimal number in the range 1-9999.
group name
the name of the group currently displayed.
present legend
the legend text of the “Present” string.
the number of delegates present for this group.
not voted legend
the legend text of the “Not voted” string.
not voted
the number of delegates who have not voted in this group.
a percentage ranging from 0.0-100.0 if it is an Audience
Response or Rating vote and the display style is set to “Results
per vote for group/total”. In all other cases the ‘answers’ field
looks like:
“legend 1, votes 1, legend 2, votes 2, ...”
legend X
the answer legend
votes X
the corresponding result
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESQUO#
Returns the quorum contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen. Will only return data
if quorum enabled and not equal ‘none’.
“required quorum, authorized present”
required quorum
the number of delegates which must be present.
authorized present
the number of delegates present with voting authorization.
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting and if quorum is enabled.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESMAJ#
Returns the majority contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen. Will only return data
if majority enabled and not equal ‘none’.
“required majority, majority”
required majority
the number of delegates which must approve the voting before
the voting can be accepted.
the number of delegates which approve the voting.