28 en | Test Software Global View Station 1000
F.01U.173.867 | 2.0 | 2010.11 Operations Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
6.1.3 Inverting Tilt Controls
To invert the tilt settings, change the tilt settings:
– Uncheck Tilt Mtr Reverse
– Uncheck Tilt Res Invert
– Click Set Normal/Reverse
– Click Get Normal/Reverse to ensure the setting was applied
Figure 6.10 Settings to Invert Tilt Control
Once the Tilt controls are reversed, the up and down soft limits are also reversed.
For example, click the “U” direction on the track pad until the camera has reached the desired
Down soft limit position. Then, click the Set Up Soft Limit to set the Down Soft Limit. The
motor’s downward direction Soft Limit has now been set. Repeat for the Up Soft Limit.
The same goes for setting the soft limits on the keyboard. Position the camera unit to the
desired up view by pushing down on the joystick. Programming preset 38 will set Up Soft
Limit and programming preset 37 will set Down Soft Limit. The soft limit is independent of the
path taken to reach it, and only the position is saved for the appropriate limit.
6.1.4 Other Menus
The MOVE TO menu allows the user to input a coordinate for the GVS1000 to move to, the
PRESETS menu allows the user to manage the preset positions, the TOURS menu allows the
user to use to compose a tour from preset positions, and the OFFSETS menu allows the user
to set or reset the coordinate system for the GVS1000.