Camera Browser Interface Web Interface | en 37
Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0605 | v5.0 | 2011.07
8 Web Interface
8.1 Appearance
You can adapt the appearance of the web interface and change
the website language to meet your requirements.
GIF or JPEG images can be used to replace the company and
device logos. The image can be stored on a local computer, a
local network, or at an Internet address. The file paths must
correspond to the access mode, for example:
– C:\Images\Logo.gif for access to local files, or
– http://www.myhostname.com/images/logo.gif for access
via the Internet/Intranet).
There must be a network connection to display the images. The
image files are not stored on the camera.
To restore the original graphics, delete the entries in the
Company logo and Device logo fields.
8.1.1 Website language
Select the language for the user interface.
8.1.2 Company logo
To replace the company's logo in the top-right part of the
window, enter the path to a suitable image in this field.
8.1.3 Device logo
To replace the device name in the top-left part of the window,
enter the path to a suitable image in this field.
Web Interface
> Appearance
> Logging