ATM/POS Bridge Configuration | en 21
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Installation Manual F.01U.171.816 | 1.0 | 2010.09
5.2.3 Terminal
The Terminal Setup pages allow you to configure the bridge to
accept transactions from the ATM/POS devices connected to
the bridge.
– Name: Type an optional name for the terminal. This name
facilitates recognition of the terminal on the network
– Device: Select the type of POS or ATM device. You can
choose one of these options:
– Specific Device: The bridge converts the characters
from the terminal based on the code page setting of
the terminal and the recording language selected on
the bridge System menu.
– Transparent: The bridge receives all characters from
an ATM/POS terminal in a complete line without
protocol conversion; then transmits the complete line
to a recording device. The bridge does not perform
character conversion.
– Capture: The bridge receives all characters from an
ATM/POS terminal one character at a time; then
transmits an individual character to a recording
device. The bridge does not perform character